Events: 12/23/2018

  • Fellowship Hour

    Sunday December 23rd, 2018


    Sponsored by the Women’s Guild 

    Enjoy the company of Parish friends and welcome visitors to the Church of St. Helena. Coffee and donuts will be served in Father Murphy Hall after our 9:30 AM Mass. Please contact Jill and Arianna Fitzsimmons at 860-817-8129 to sign up to host one fellowship hour. Assistance is available for those hosting for the first time.

  • Food Share

    Sunday December 23rd, 2018

    Location: St. Helena Church
    30 Echo Lane West Hartford

    FOOD SHARING PROGRAM TO SUPPORT HARTFORD CATHOLIC WORKER HOUSE The St. Helena Food Sharing program will collect items and can be brought in at any time and left in Fr. Murphy Hall. It is delivered on the 2nd and 4th weekends but is gratefully accepted anytime during the month. Items needed are: Peanut butter, tuna fish, beef stew, juices, low sugar cereals, pastas, pasta sauce, soups, and macaroni & cheese. Please leave your donations in Fr. Murphy Hall. Thank you for your continued generosity to all who have kept St. Helena’s Food Sharing program going for almost 40 years.