- CHRISTMAS CONCERTAT SAINT BRIGID CHURCHPlease join the St. Brigid choir before theMidnight Mass (at 11:30 p.m.) for a programof carols and choral solos to enhance yourcelebration of the birth of our Savior.
- CHRISTMAS CONCERTSAT SAINT MARKTHE EVANGELIST CHURCHThe St. Mark choir will sing Christmasmusic and carols at 4:00 p.m. on ChristmasEve and 10:00 a.m. on Christmas Day. OnDecember 24, they will be accompanied by abrass quartet, and on Christmas Day, theywill be joined by a violin soloist. Please jointhem in this liturgical music celebration forthe birth of Jesus Christ!
- LUNAR NEW YEARCHUNG CAKE & TET CAKEStarting next week after Mass, there will beapplications to order Bánh Chưng (SquareCake— sticky rice, fatty meat, green beans,spices, and wrapped in banana leaves) andBánh Tét (Cylindrical, same as square cake)for Tet, Lunar New Year organized by theVietnamese community. Large Banh Chungis $25 each and $20 each for Banh Tet.Please help support, God bless. ĐẶT … Read more
- ST. MARK’S VOLUNTEERS,WE NEED YOUR HELP!St. Mark the Evangelist is looking for a fewextra volunteers. We need help in particularfrom volunteers willing to serve as ministersof Holy Communion (yes, you will be shownwhat do to—”commissioned”, is the correctword for it). We also need a few extravolunteers to serve as money counters—andyes, we will also provide training for that.If you would … Read more
- RECEPTION FOR DEACON BOBPlease join us on Sunday December 29immediately after the 10:30 a.m. Mass at St.Mark. We will have a reception in the ParishCenter to thank Deacon Bob for his manyyears of service to all the churches of St.Gianna.Deacon Bob will be transitioning from hisrole as a Deacon, stepping back a bit intoretirement. But never fear! He … Read more
- CHRISTMAS FLOWERINTENTIONS SUPPLEMENTPlease look for the Supplemental Pageslisting your Intentions on the tables in thevestibules of our respective churches.Merry Christmas! DÂNG Ý LỄ ĐONG GÓP HOA GIÁNG SINH Nếu quý vị đã xin lễ và đóng góp cho hoaGiáng Sinh, xin vui lòng tìm các Trang BổSung liệt kê các Ý Lễ của quý vị trên các … Read more
- THE GREAT COOKIE DEALDECEMBER 21 & 22Prepaid cookie orders will be available forpickup following all Masses this weekend atboth churches. If you didn’t order cookiesbut would like to purchase a pound of ourLadies Guild Best, extra one pound packagesmay be available this weekend for only$7.00 per package. ƯU ĐÃI COOKIE TUYỆT VỜI NGÀY 21 & 22 THÁNG 12 Các đơn đặt … Read more
- All Saints Day & All Souls Day 2024