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Religious Education

Welcome to the St. Brigid & St. Helena's Religious Education Program

The mission of the St. Brigid Religious Education Program is to aid and support parents as the primary religious educators of their children. We strive to help the students journey towards a deeper understanding of our Catholic religious beliefs and traditions.  We are committed to our students and the desire to enrich their faith journey by sharing through personal witness our time, faith and talents. We strive to bring to the children an awareness of God's love for them, a more complete and in depth understanding of the beliefs and traditions of our Catholic faith, and our shared responsibility to live out these Christian beliefs in service to others.

While the instruction and formation we provide are the building blocks of a growing faith life, the foundation is laid and reinforced by you within the family structure. Full participation in parish life, including regular Mass attendance, allows the children the opportunity to feel part of the parish family. It gives meaning and value to all they are learning about God, Jesus, and their Catholic faith. Religious Education is an on-going program. Each year becomes a base for the next.

Together let us form a supportive and nourishing partnership to help our children most fully realize their faith potential, with the help of Jesus, the first catechist, and the guidance and wisdom of the Holy Spirit.


The Archdiocese of Hartford, as well as all Catholic diocese in the United States, require that all adults who are parish employees and volunteers, including priests and deacons, over the age of 18 who have regular contact with children, to complete a background check authorization and attend a 3 hour VIRTUS® training session on sexual abuse awareness. All teachers must be in full compliance before they begin teaching.

In the Archdiocese of Hartford, we have two VIRTUS® programs, Protecting God's Children for Adults, and Child Lures Prevention program Think First & Stay Safe for school children. A trained person from the Archdiocese delivers these programs.

Protecting God's Children for Adults

The Protecting God's Children program educates and trains adults (clergy, religious, teachers, staff, volunteers, and parents) about the dangers of abuse, the warning signs of abuse, the ways to prevent abuse, the methods of properly reporting suspicions of abuse, and responding to allegations of abuse. They learn about the warning signs of potential sex offenders and unsafe situations that could place a child or a vulnerable adult at risk of abuse. Participants are provided with an overview of the Diocese Code of Conduct and our Diocesan Policy relating to Sexual Abuse of Minors.

Child Lures Prevention Program for Children

The Child Lures Program deals with teaching the children about the dignity of all people and the dangers that are contrary to the Catholic belief. It presents a balanced perspective, repeatedly assuring children that the vast majority of educators, clergy and other adults are sincerely committed to the happiness and well-being of children and would not take advantage of them. Those who prey on children are the exception. The program is age-appropriate, with lesson plans for each level.

Here at St. Brigid, we participate in these programs and we are dedicated to protecting all God's children.


 St. Brigid and St. Helena Registration form - 2020/2021 Year    



St. Brigid Religious Education Calendar October 2020 

St. Brigid Religious Education Calendar November 2020

St. Brigid Religious Education Calendar December 2020

St. Brigid Religious Education Calendar January 2021

St. Brigid Religious Education February 2021

St. Brigid Religious Education March 2021






To contact our Coordinator of Religious Education, Donna Wolcott please call 860-543-2607.